check computation
maybe, the implementation is too strong: Consider the case, where an port is connected to a mandatory as well as an optional port of subcomponents. In this case, one can argue that the parent's port is mandatory (if there is no variance with respect to signals). --> the implementation is not so strong now, but was modified for XOR components.
HardwareArchitecture elements not supported yet
consideration of ports, connectors, signals, services etc. //TODO
data structure for results etc. //TODO
consideration of ports, connectors, signals, services etc. //TODO
data structure for results etc. //TODO
make the computation tables editable
translate documentation
remove F2* links that point to mandatory elements
process optional elements
remove not used elements (not connected)
remove models? (e.g. empty ones, including referenced models)
remove not connected ports?
consider binding time from mapping, therefore new input parameter for mapping
No Arduino conversion for lists yet. Arduino lang does not support lists.
Complete arduino keywords.
is firstAInterface really needed?
check computation of signal names
configurations: their evaluation is not implemented yet
distinction of f2amapping's evaluation wrt. configuration needs to be implemented