Classes | |
class | AXBenchFilesPreferences |
this class realize the axbench files preferences handle. One instance for one eclipse session. More... | |
class | AXBenchProjectsPreferences |
this class realize the axbench projects preferences handle. One instance for one eclipse session. More... | |
class | AXLToken |
Language token storage. More... | |
class | Constants |
aXLang source code editor and project constants. More... | |
class | FeatureInSelection |
A FeatureInSelection represents a feature that belongs to a given selection (subset of a feature model) in a content provider for a tree view. More... | |
class | IAXLangElementNode |
Used for the views in order to not put an IAXLangElement in the tree. More... | |
class | IncludeViewerFilter |
realize the view filter for all trees if it's not the model file. More... | |
class | Startup |
could realize the startup More... | |
class | StructureNode |
Structure node that is inserted into the outline or another view in order to structure its contents The AXLOutline contains both IAXLangElements and StructureNodes. Therefore the parent-children relation is heterogeneous since on either side there may always be an IAXLangElementNode or a StructureNode. More... | |
class | TreeNode |
the superclass for all tree nodes (iaxlangelementnode, featureinselection, structure node, elementwithproperty). More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | NodeKind { OUT = ( "Out" ), IN = ( "In" ), INOUT = ( "InOut" ), FEATUREMODELS = ( "Feature Models", Role.FEATUREMODEL ), FEATURES = ( "Features", Role.FEATURE ), CONFIGURATIONS = ( "Configurations", Role.CONFIGURATION ), NO = ( "No" ), YES = ( "Yes" ), APPLICATIONMODELS = ( "Application Models", Role.APPLICATIONMODEL ), COMPONENTS = ( "Components", Role.COMPONENT ), PORTS = ( "Ports", Role.PORT ), STORAGES = ( "Storages", Role.STORAGE ), SUBCOMPONENTS = ( "Subcomponents", Role.SUBCOMPONENT ), CONNECTIONS = ( "Connections", Role.ABSTRACTCONNECTION ), FUNCTIONS = ( "Functions", Role.FUNCTION ), DATAELEMENTS = ( "Data Elements", Role.DATAELEMENT ), SIGNALS = ( "Signals", Role.SIGNAL ), OPERATIONS = ( "Operations", Role.OPERATION ), RESOURCEMODELS = ( "Resource Models", Role.RESOURCEMODEL ), HWCOMPONENTS = ( "HWComponents", Role.COMPONENT ), HWPORTS = ( "HWPorts", Role.PORT ), HWSUBCOMPONENTS = ( "HWSubcomponents", Role.SUBCOMPONENT ), HWCONNECTIONS = ( "HWConnections", Role.ABSTRACTCONNECTION ), HWBusses = ( "HWBusses", Role.BUS ), F2AMAPPINGS = ( "Feature-to-Application Mappings", Role.F2AMAPPING ), F2ALINKS = ( "Feature-to-Application Links", Role.F2ALINK ), F2RMAPPINGS = ( "Feature-to-Resource Mappings", Role.F2RMAPPING ), A2RMAPPINGS = ( "Application-to-Resource Mappings", Role.A2RMAPPING ), SC2SCLINKS = ( "Subcomponent-to-Subcomponent Links", Role.SC2SCLINK ), P2PLINKS = ( "Port-to-Port Links", Role.P2PLINK ), CON2CONLINKS = ( "Connection-toConnection Links", Role.CON2CONLINK ), ACTIVITYATTRIBUTES = ( "Activity Attributes", Role.ACTIVITYATTRIBUTE ), TRANSACTION = ( "Transaction", Role.TRANSACTION ), ACTIVATIONS = ( "Activations", Role.ACTIVATION ), TRANSACTIONMODEL = ( "Transactionmodel", Role.TRANSACTIONMODEL ), ATOMICSETS = ( "Atomic Sets" ), ATOMICSETS_FLV = ( "Atomic Sets (FLV - Feature-level variables)" ), ATOMICSETS_CLV = ( "Atomic Sets (CLV - Component-level variables)" ), ATOMICSETS_PLV = ( "Atomic Sets (PLV - Port-level variables)" ), ATOMICSETS_CLVSP = ( "Atomic Sets (CLVsp - Component-level variables with subsumed port-level variability)" ), ATOMICSET = ( "Atomic Set" ), ATOMICSETS_DEPENDENCIES = ( "Atomic Set Dependencies" ), ATOMICSETS_DEPENDENCY_PI_DIRECT = ( "Atomic Set Dependency PI direct" ), ATOMICSETS_DEPENDENCY_PI_INDIRECT = ( "Atomic Set Dependency PI indirect" ), ATOMICSETS_DEPENDENCY_PREI_DIRECT = ( "Atomic Set Dependency PreI direct" ), ATOMICSETS_DEPENDENCY_PREI_INDIRECT = ( "Atomic Set Dependency PreI indirect" ), ATOMICSETS_DEPENDENCY_NI_DIRECT = ( "Atomic Set Dependency NI direct" ), ATOMICSETS_DEPENDENCY_NI_INDIRECT = ( "Atomic Set Dependency NI indirect" ), ATOMICSETS_DEPENDENCY_PNI_DIRECT = ( "Atomic Set Dependency PNI direct" ), ATOMICSETS_DEPENDENCY_PNI_INDIRECT = ( "Atomic Set Dependency PNI indirect" ), F2AMAPPINGS_UNCONFIGURED = ( "Feature-to-Application Mappings (Unconfigured)", Role.F2AMAPPING ), F2AMAPPINGS_CONFIGURED = ( "Feature-to-Application Mappings (Configured)", Role.F2AMAPPING ), REFERENCEDMODELS = ( "Referenced Models"), AFFECTEDELEMENTS_PRIMARY = ( "Affected Elements (primary)" ), AFFECTEDELEMENTS_EXTENDED = ( "Affected Elements (extended)" ), AXLFORMULAS = ( "aXlang Formulas" ), AXLFORMULAS_AFFECTED = ( "Affected aXLang Formulas" ), AXLFORMULA = ( "aXLang Formula" ) } |
class to create a relation between a role, the node and the AXLang representation More... |
class to create a relation between a role, the node and the AXLang representation